Monday, July 13, 2009


End date has been moved to August 7 (I hope!). Today I found out that the patio door had not been ordered (some sort of clerical mistake/misunderstanding). Sooo, we have 3.5 weeks (min) to wait for the door to come in. While technically I will have a functioning kitchen (as defined as being able to actually make a meal in it), I won't really consider it complete until the door is installed.

Luckily, Dave is going to install a temporary storm door so that we don't have to walk through my mom's place or around the house to get to the back (such a PITA).

I'm counting down the hours until the countertops are installed as it seems like a lot of activity will begin to happen once that is done. The electricians are coming the same day, so they will also be getting something done, although I'm a little nervous about that. The agreement I signed said no other contractors could be working when they install the countertops. When Juan was here, I confirmed that with him, but he said he didn't mind if someone was working "over there" which I think he meant the living room area where Dave was working that day. Dave heard him say that, and I guess he figured it would be alright. I would think that the electricians would be right in the middle of the kitchen and underfoot of the installers. Oh, well, I guess Dave will have to deal with that if it becomes an issue.

No painting tonight - I'll try to get some done tomorrow.

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