Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Progress, but no pictures :-(

Chuck called me last night to tell me how great the "buffet" area looks. I guess they got the butcher block on it. I'm not sure what that means for the finish - I had talked to Dave before I left about putting on Waterlox. I told him I would do it after he installed if I have to, but that it was stinky. Since he didn't have time to do two coats, I'm assuming I'll have to apply it when I get home. That also probably means that he hasn't installed the cabinet and book case on top. I'll have to ask Chuck about that.

I asked Chuck to take some pictures (via phone) and send them to me, but he says he doesn't know how. I may have to prevail on Derek to help me - I know he can send pictures via his phone.

Since I don't have pictures of the kitchen, and I cannot personally talk about progress, I'll talk about our vacation and post pictures of that instead.

Here is the weather forecast for this week: Monday: rain and drizzle; Tuesday mostly cloudy with a shower or thunderstorm; Wednesday mostly cloudy with a shower or thunderstorm; Thursday mostly cloudy and COOL with a shower or thunderstorm; Friday partly SUNNY (finally) and 78.

So today is Tuesday. Sunday we went to Reny's for shopping and Jake's for lunch. Yesterday we took a walk to the Cove and bought candy. Today we may head for the outlets - Russell ruined his sneakers on Saturday, so he's been riding his bike with flip flops.

I've been reading, eating, and sleeping a lot. I'd much rather be reading, eating, and sleeping on the beach, but it's still nice to relax. The kids have been great - they are very content to watch TV, play video games, and play inside. Tess and Gwen get pretty loud and rambunctious - I think the people who live under us must be deaf.

Lisa and I went for a walk this morning - our first since it's been raining the other mornings.

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